The Daniel Craig James Bond movie Roger Moore confessed he couldn’t stand | Films | Entertainment


Sir Roger Moore may have been a fan of Daniel Craig’s 007, but it turns out he didn’t have much positive to say about 2008’s Quantum of Solace, which is on ITV1 this evening.

A follow-up to the out-going star’s James Bond debut Casino Royale, the direct sequel suffered in the writers’ strike and wasn’t particularly well received by the critics.

After the film’s release, Sir Roger was asked what he thought of the new dark, gritty Bond, a far cry from his comedic tongue-in-cheek escapades of the 1970s and 1980s.

According to The Telegraph, the actor, who died in 2017, said: “I am happy to have done it, but I’m sad that it has turned so violent.

“That’s keeping up with the times, it’s what cinema-goers seem to want and it’s proved by the box office figures.”

Sir Roger also spoke at the Cambridge Union that year, explaining why Quantum of Solace didn’t quite work for him.

The former 007 said: “I didn’t like the last Bond film, it was like a long, disjointed commercial.

Nevertheless, Sir Roger admitted he thinks Craig is a great Bond like Sir Sean Connery.

In 2016, he said: “Today, I think we’re very lucky to have Daniel Craig because he is quite extraordinary, I always say that Sean looked like a killer — but Daniel Craig would finish it off.

“When I saw Casino Royale, I thought that Daniel Craig did more action in the first seven minutes than I did in seven movies.”

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