Mum left terrified after finding ‘worrying’ clue something is lurking in home


A mum was left stunned after waking up to find two alarming changes in her that were not there the night before when she went to bed.

The woman from New South Wales, , was about to make breakfast one morning when she discovered her avocado had been nibbled on – and she found mysterious “brown bits” scattered all over her plate and sink.

Taking she social media, she wrote: “I have woken to signs of a creature overnight. There’s poop on my kitchen sink and counter.

“I live alone in a four-room cabin. Where is it hiding during the day? What do I do?”

The woman said there were no signs of entry or exit points in her home, except from the drain. 

“Check all doors, especially if you have access from laundry to exterior, and door to the garage to ensure they have weather strips and are properly sealed.

“Remove all food and place into sealed containers or the fridge.”

While many believe that baits and snap traps could resolve the problem, it’s recommended to consult pest control to prevent secondary poisoning.

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