Man’s ‘controversial’ baby name choice causes family feud


It’s a common scenario; you hear a baby name chosen by a friend or relative and can’t help but have an opinion.

Sometimes, it might even be a source of private amusement. But what if the name in question seems like a one-way ticket to playground taunts? Should you intervene?

One woman faced this dilemma head-on when her brother and his wife announced their soon-to-arrive son’s name, prompting her to speak out in an attempt to sway their decision.

As family tensions simmer, she’s turned to the internet for guidance on whether the name is as terrible as she fears.

The 26-year-old shared her story on Reddit, writing: “My older brother and his wife are having a baby boy in a month. A few days ago, they gathered my family around to tell them the name they selected – Earlgay. Yes. That is it. Earlgay.”

She continued, bewildered: “I don’t think it’s a reference to anything. It sounds like Earl Grey tea, but I asked my brother and he said they don’t drink tea. Our younger sister asked his wife if the name Earl was a family name on her side, and the answer was no.”

The family’s reaction was one of confusion and concern. She recounted: “We were all left confused and speechless. My very conflict-avoidant dad even told them, ‘you are making a gigantic mistake if you go through with this’. It just doesn’t make any sense. If you like the name Earl, whatever, why add ‘-gay’ to it? Even beyond the low-hanging fruit that offers playground bullies, it literally doesn’t seem to have a point.

“It isn’t a tribute to anyone, it isn’t a maiden name in our families, we are just stone cold puzzled.”

The family’s objections to the soon-to-be-born baby’s name have caused a huge row that has even involved the expectant mother’s parents.

She added: “Last night, my brother’s wife’s parents called mine and expressed their own confusion/worry about the name. Literally everybody in their orbit is against it, and the best explanation we can get from either one of them is “‘it sounds good to us’. Please give me evidence that this name is crazy or find some sort of explanation for why this is a fantastic, strong choice.”

Reddit users were divided over the post, with many unable to believe that the parents-to-be would name their son Earlgay, while others were convinced it was a prank.

One person responded: “Are you sure they aren’t trolling you? Because it would be a pretty good troll.” To which the woman replied: “If they’re acting it’s a great performance.

“My brother admittedly has a pranking streak but my sister-in-law is a pretty serious/not comedic person. If this ends up being the case, I’ll stand corrected and bow down to her.”

Another user chimed in: “Did they learn nothing from Meet the Parents?! Literally that was the one thing I remember from those movies. Gaylord! And why he went by Greg! They’re idiots and they’re signing up their son to a lifetime of bullying.”

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