Austria hit with a wave of antisemitic attacks since 7 October


Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, Austria has seen a rise in antisemitic incidents. The president of Austria’s National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka, is attempting to counter them in Vienna


The Jewish Community in Austria has reported a rise in antisemitic incidents across the country. In Vienna, graffiti has recently appeared on the facades of Jewish businesses in the second and 20th districts, with slogans like “Death to Zionism” and “Victory to Palestine.”

In response, National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka, along with Israel’s Ambassador to Austria David Roet and President of the Israelite Religious Society Austria Oskar Deutsch, took action by painting over the graffiti in Vienna-Leopoldstadt, the heart of Jewish life in Austria.

Under the leadership of Austrian Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler, the third European Conference on Antisemitism is taking place in Vienna on May 6th and 7th, 2024. This high-profile event convenes international experts to discuss strategies for combating antisemitism and promoting Jewish life in Europe.

The conference addresses the surge in both online and offline antisemitism following the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas, as well as concerning incidents at American universities. Notably, American and European experts are collaborating for the first time, with the participation of the US government’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt.

Dalia Grinfeld, Deputy Director of European Affairs at the Anti-Defamation League, is hosting the conference at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. The opening session features remarks from President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Heinz Faßmann and Federal Minister Edtstadler.

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