Woman ‘embarrassed’ after neighbour shouted at her for having a BBQ


As the warm weather continues, houses up and down the country will be dusting the BBQ and enjoying a burger or two with family and friends. But what is the etiquette when it comes to having a BBQ outside in your own space? 

On Mumsnet, it was a topic of big discussion because someone’s neighbour shouted at them for having a BBQ. 

The person who wrote the post, nicknamed arrivalpending on the forum site, said they were “quite embarrassed” by the situation and “can’t believe” what happened. 

Their child was turning 12 and is “too big for a party but wanted a family bbq with our close family”, and that included seven extra people. 

They continued: “We had just pottered about the garden and I was getting seats out, hubby was getting BBQ sorted and next thing I know my neighbour starts screaming at us over the fence. 

“I was initially quite taken back by her and asked her what was wrong ( in a very gentle confused voice) she started screaming that she’s had it up to the next of people BBQing and she just put out washing and we are extremely selfish for not asking her if it was ok to BBQ!

“I politely said I’m very sorry to have bothered you but it’s my son’s birthday and this is only the second time we have had a BBQ so her anger at us is misplaced.” 

The neighbour “continued screaming” and then “stormed off”, leaving the lady “feeling rubbish” as her “day is ruined”. 

The woman wanted to know if she was “selfish” for “not arranging” the BBQ with her neighbour as she “genuinely didn’t think it was a thing” you needed to do. 

The post received several replies, one of which advised: “No of course you don’t have to ask permission of your neighbours to have a bbq. Tell her to get lost.” 

A second commented: “Our neighbours have had the bbq on every day since the nice weather. I’ve had washing out every day. Not once did I ever think to bring my washing in and not once did it smell of bbq.” 

Another explained: “Got a new neighbour a couple of years ago and he’s BBQ crazy. It’s right up by the fence, near my washing line but he always knocks first if I have washing out. I’m grateful for the chance to rescue my laundry.

“It’s not about asking permission, just a polite heads up.”

Someone else said: “I would have let them know or invited them prior to the day. However, it is horrible having washing stinking of smoke so I can understand her irritation. Screaming is probably taking too far though!” 

Another added: “I always give my two neighbours a text if we’re planning one.” 

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