Older people think they’ll live longer than younger generations


A study of 2,000 adults revealed 35- to 44-year-old think they’ll reach 81, while those aged under 24 believe they’ll only hit 76. But those over 65 reckon they have a much longer lifespan, typically estimating they will live until 84 – the highest of any age group. While one in six Gen Z adults are unsure they’ll even make it to retirement.

It also emerged those in the South West have the most pessimistic outlook, believing they won’t live to see their 80s (79 years old) – but those in the East of England reckon they’ll last five years longer (84 years old).

And men think they’ll reach an older age than females, an average of 82 compared to 80 – despite women typically outliving the male gender. While 65% of all respondents sometimes or often contemplate their own mortality.

A spokesperson from over 50’s life insurance brand British Seniors, which commissioned the study as part of its funeral report, said: “The research has revealed a fascinating look into these predictions and differences between gender, location and age group. Such conversations are becoming more open than ever – as well as discussion of how you’d like your funeral to look.”

The study also found 53% of adults have discussed the age they might reach with friends, with a third even claiming they’ll outdo them based on their predictions. But 34% think they’ll outdo the life expectancy for their gender.

The top reasons for this include leading an active lifestyle, not smoking and the fact they keep their brain ticking – as well as having genetics and family history on their side.

When it comes to considering lifespan, 28% thought it was good to have an age in mind to ‘aim’ for, according to the data from OnePoll.com. Regardless of predicted ages, 59% were worried about wasting time and not making the most of life.

And the most popular approaches to life included being balanced (37%), living it to the fullest (20%) and slow and steady wins the race (16%).

When the day comes to say goodbye, 23% have some or all plans in place for their own funeral. A quarter don’t want any fuss for their send off, while 20% are happy with whatever their friends and family decide on.

Further findings from the brand’s Funeral Report also revealed 21% have discussed their own funeral with someone else. And 35% of those over 65 have explained their preferences to someone.

A spokesperson from British Seniors added: “The study has shown that some adults do have thoughts in mind of how they’d like their send off to look.

“Our recent funeral report details the costs attached to different types of send offs and how many have planned for their own or arranged someone else’s.

“Such conversations can feel tricky, but having plans in place can ensure your loved ones are looked after when you’re no longer around – and they can ensure you get the funeral you deserve. Insurance can play a key role in ensuring friends and family are protected from unexpected costs.”

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