Mum heartbroken as daughter never gets invited to birthday parties


A devastated mum has shared her anguish after discovering her daughter is consistently left out of her classmates’ birthday celebrations. Despite her five year old being a ‘friendly’ child, she can’t fathom why her little one is always overlooked when it comes to party invites.

The mum explained on Reddit how she had invited 10 to 12 children to her daughter’s last three birthdays – yet not a single one reciprocated the gesture, prompting her to question what could be ‘wrong’ with her child.

She said: “My five-year-old child is very friendly, sometimes too friendly. We invited her friends to her last three birthday parties, and while they all show up at our parties and love it, they never invite us back.

“I always thought they don’t have a party with friends but I just realised they all do, but don’t invite my child.”

Baffled by the persistent exclusion, the mother is left speculating if the reason might be racial, as her daughter is not the same ethnicity as her classmates.

“The only reason that came to my mind is that those kids are all white and we are not. Kiddo doesn’t seem to care for most of them, although she cried for one of them because she knew it was her birthday but she wasn’t invited, and when I texted the birthday girl’s mom, she never responded,” reports the Mirror.

The mum continued: “Anyway, I’m very upset and feel that when she grows older, it can be so frustrating for her, and me.”

While many users expressed sympathy for the young girl, some suggested that the mother should speak directly to the other parents to find out the real reason behind the situation.

One user commented: “I get it. My child invited his whole class to his party and hasn’t gotten invited to other parties this year.

“One of the boys talked about his party in class and my son was so excited. He thought he was invited and kept asking me to check and double-check my email for an invite. That broke his heart and mine. I don’t have advice. I just feel your daughter’s hurt.”

Another advised: “I straight up ask the other parents what happened. I also throughout the year set up play dates so they are friends outside of school. I needed to set them up for success for those key moments.”

A third shared their own experience: “Same my daughter is turning 10 and since she was three they did come to her parties but she was never invited to anyone’s parties.

“I stopped her parties in 2020. She has her birthday on school holidays so she and I do something special.”

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