‘I hate my vegan roommate so I filled our apartment with carnivorous plants’


A woman filled her shared house with carnivorous plants to annoy her vegan roommate.

The woman took to Reddit’s r/PettyRevenge thread to explain that she had been living with her friend for three years without any problem.

But when her friend began attending animal product conferences, she noticed a notable change in her roommate’s behaviour.

According to the woman, her roommate, an avid plant enthusiast, had always nurtured an extensive collection of plants, displaying them proudly with label stickers of name she has given them.

However, after attending the conference, the roommate became more fervent in her vegan activism, turning every conversation into an opportunity to advocate for veganism.

The woman said she was miserable as her roommate would shame her and call her ‘evil’ for not going vegan.

She said: “But it had gotten so common I started waking up earlier to go to work so I could eat my eggs in the parking lot of my job so I don’t have to here her rant. Since we were close to the end of our lease I had decided to pull a little stunt before we parted ways.”

As part of a ploy to get her roommate back, the woman headed to an exotic plant store and purchased every single species of carnivorous plant she could get her hands on.

She went back and placed the plants all throughout the house, particularly in the kitchen where most of the ‘scoldings’ would take place.

She went on to say that she was proud of her work, and their home looked like a greenhouse by the time she was done.

But her roommate was not a fan. She said: “When she got home she started screaming at me. Blowing up saying that I’m horrible. She was livid. But because I bought them and I hadn’t moved or touched anything of hers, she couldn’t do anything.”

After taking her petty plant tale to Reddit, many readers were proud of her planned propagation: “Honestly propagation is empowering once you learn to make endless plants out of a piece you pinched off a mother plant,” said one.

Another poked fun at her housemate: “Does she lecture you on the cruelty of feeding plants meat? Or does she lecture the plants on how cruel they are for enjoying it?”

One commented: “My friend’s ex was a normal, sane vegan who kindly cooked plain chicken for my dog when we visited. They do exist!” “Vegan here,” said one.

“Very odd and illogical to be angry with an animal for its nature,” while another vegan commented: “Normal, sane vegan here. Eat meat in front of me, it doesn’t bother me. And who cares if the plants eat meat. As long as they don’t try to attack me, I’m good.”

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