Flight attendant’s hack for tackling ‘puffy plane face’ | Travel News | Travel


Are you plagued by a puffy face after a flight? A flight attendant has the solution for you.

The perplexing ‘aeroplane face’ phenomenon leaves your skin looking puffier, spottier or oilier than usual post-flight. The associated breakouts can take days to clear and are particularly troublesome for those already prone to blemishes.

However, a Boston-based flight attendant has shared her secrets to combat ‘flight face’. Vera, known as the ‘Balanced Flyer’ online, insists these steps are essential for air travel and took to TikTok to explain why.

Addressing a common query from her 18.4k followers (@balancedflyer), she said: “One question I’ve been getting asked a lot is: ‘What do I do about bloat, like face bloat… for travel in general?… I do have tips and tricks for that.”

Firstly, Vera emphasised the importance of using anything ice-cold. Although she grabbed a face roller from her freezer, she recommends carrying one in a handbag and immersing it in ice upon landing.

Placing it in a wine bucket or cold glass could work, or even a hotel room freezer if available. “Basically, you just take the ice roller… and you just go in these like upward strokes on your face,” she explained. “I like to use it in-between my eyebrows and going up and out, but mainly on the cheeks where you end up getting puffy.”

While there’s no concrete evidence supporting ice facials, ‘cold therapy’ is commonly used among athletes to reduce swelling.

Moving on to her next tip, Vera continued: “I have a little skincare section of my fridge and I keep my eye gel packs, my face masks – basically anything I like to put on my face to cool it off and de-puff it. Keeping it cold is key.”

Usually, Vera claimed she’ll pop the hydrating products in her lunch bag and use them when waking up on a layover. Massaging her face especially helps with this too. “Guys, I’m full of these tips – please keep asking, and I’ll keep sharing them,” she encouraged.

Her advice quickly racked up countless comments on TikTok, with users expressing their eagerness to adopt her routine. Comments included: “Okay now I also need a skin care section of my fridge,” and “Face bloat is the worst! Ty for this!”

Dr Dave Reilly, Head Scientist at Absolute Collagen, weighed in on the matter, explaining the toll flying can take on your skin. “Travelling on an airplane can really impact the appearance of your skin, even if just for a short flight,” he said.

“This is because humidity levels on aircrafts drop significantly, while its aircon is also often at full blast.If you suffer with sensitive skin, then your skin may become dry and irritated on an airplane. While those with oilier skin types may experience excess oil and even breakouts.

“What’s more, if you are a nervous flyer, then high levels of stress can also contribute to skin breakouts or flare-ups.”

Before the flight, Dr Reilly recommends embracing creams that lock moisture into the skin. As a general rule, those with oily skin should opt for water-based products, while those with drier skin should pick thicker creams.

“For more intensive nourishment, opt for a sheet mask packed full of hydrating ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid or niacinamide, that you can apply during your flight,” he advised. “Also, remember to drink plenty of water throughout the flight to help keep you and your skin quenched.”

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