Brussels, my love? Who deserves a break more: business or the planet?


In this edition, we get up to speed on squabbles over EU laws to stop corporate human rights abuse, and create more rights for gig workers.


This week, we are joined by Isabelle Schömann, Deputy Secretary General of the European Trade Union Confederation, Michiel Hoogeveen, Dutch MEP from the European Conservatives & Reformists, and Martin Porter, Chair of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership in Europe.

Panellists reacted to an EU law currently being finalised that would make companies responsible for human rights abuses in their supply chain. Critics fear it will add red tape, while NGOs and trade unions say it will stop profits being made from human suffering. Thousands of people across Europe recently signed a petition calling for a strong directive to protect vulnerable lives across the globe.

“I think it’s a very important initiative that we can’t afford to lose”, said Isabelle Schömann. “I am sorry, human rights are not administrative burdens. Workers are not commodities.”

Michiel Hoogeveen said he doesn’t favour a bill he sees as creating a bureaucratic burden for business.

“It doesn’t only make companies liable for their own suppliers, but also the suppliers of suppliers,” meaning it extends to cover family businesses and micro businesses that were originally excluded, he said.

Panellists also react to talks around the rights of platform workers and the scrutiny of a new EU bill by the platforms themselves, who fear extra costs.

Watch Brussels, my love? in the player above.

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