April horoscope: Astrologer says two fire signs in the zodiac will ‘have their moment’ (Image: Getty)
Are you wondering what April has in store for your zodiac sign? Celebrity psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigman has revealed her forecast for the month ahead. Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk, she said: “We start the month with Mercury, the planet of communication, and Venus, the planet of love in retrograde, both in emotional Pisces.
“This centres a super-sensitive atmosphere, focused on nostalgia and a sense of loss. Even Mars, the planet of passion, is in watery Cancer. During April 2025, Mercury goes direct and moves into optimistic Aries, turning communication into a joyous, loud experience. Venus goes direct and stays in romantic Pisces, where it does its best work to bring love to the headlines. Even Mars moves into proud Leo. Fire signs Aries and Leo are having their moment, and their extroverted qualities are appreciated.”
The Aries zodiac sign is is known as a fire sign characterised by the Ram (Image: Getty)
Sharing her insights on behalf of Genting Casino, Inbaal revealed what’s in store for the 12 zodiac signs.
Aries – March 21 to April 19
Happy Aries season! Your courageous, optimistic, fearless personality was tested in March with two big retrogrades in your sign, not to mention a solar eclipse. This is your month to be refreshed and relaxed. The Sun in your sign will bless you with opportunities until April 19, and potential new contracts and engaging conversations will come in from April 16, thanks to Mercury going direct in your sign. No one can blame you for feeling a little stressed after the March you’ve just had, but many positive twists and turns await this month.
Taurus – April 20 to May 20
The New Moon in Taurus is a once-per-year blessing which brings new beginnings to your door. The new moon can only happen when both the Sun and the moon are in the same sign, and this month, it is in Taurus on April 27. For everyone, the new moon in Taurus brings fresh starts around work, finances, and the home, as well as more security, stability, and a stronger sense of safety. This is amplified because, as a Taurus yourself, those are changes you crave. As Taurus season begins, the world bows slightly towards your likes and desires.
Gemini – May 21 to June 21
Mercury, your ruling planet, is still retrograde for the first seven days of the month. The Mercury retrograde is no fun for anyone, and you may feel it more than most – communication is more complex than usual, and some people from your past try to get into your life against your better judgment. At the same time, you enjoy yet another lovely month of Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of wealth, growth and luck, and as it’s in your sign all month long, you shouldn’t be surprised to be the winner at the raffle, receive unexpected refunds, or have a fine waived without a fee.
Cancer – June 21 to July 22
Mars, the planet of passion and war, is in your sign until April 17. This creates a lot of fire for you during those days, which can work in your favour or against you. Sometimes, both at once. When Mars is in your sign, you may find yourself arguing with people even if you don’t want to and being more stubborn than you’d typically be. On the other hand, you’ll enjoy Mars’s bright side as you become magnetic to potential admirers who want to get closer to you. Attraction and magnetism are two qualities you are blessed with this month.
Leo is also a fire sign and the fifth sign in the zodiac (Image: Getty)
Leo – July 23 to August 22
From April 18 onwards, Mars, the planet of passion, is in your sign. Mars is a fiery planet, and Leo is a fiery sign so that you will feel right at home during those days. Mars’s influence will help you feel more courageous and less anxious about the future. Mars will imbue you with a fiery passion for the job as you decide for the future. Your softer, gentler days are between April 6 and 8 when the moon is in your sign. Those lunar days are great for exploring your creative, artistic side, perhaps visiting a gallery or taking up sculpting.
Virgo – August 23 to September 22
The first week of the month is the final week of the Mercury retrograde, and you will feel it because your ruling planet is Mercury. During those seven days, you’ll feel conflicted, emotional, maybe even nostalgic, missing people from the past and reminiscing about old days. Those memories become happier after April 8, as Mercury goes directly through the sensitive sign of Pisces, meaning you’ll recall satisfied times with your loved ones. After April 16, you’ve had your fill of the past, and you’ll be making plans for an optimistic future as your planet travels through fearless Aries.
Libra – September 23 to October 22
The Full Moon in Libra on April 13 is your only full moon this year, and as such, it will be a very special day for you. During the full moon, emotions are heightened, and life can feel somewhat out of control. Roll with the punches, and do not be afraid. If you’re struggling to keep to the plan, go with your gut feeling – remember that the full moon will make you feel more intense emotions, so don’t quit your job, move out of your home or leave your partner just because your emotions are going wild. The full moon is an excellent time for manifesting, so light a white candle and say your wishes out loud.
Scorpio – October 23 to November 21
The moon is in your sign on April 14 and 15, immediately following the drama of the full moon. During those lunar days, you are more intuitive and can tell what is about to happen. On the 15th, the moon creates a harmonious aspect with Venus, the planet of love and Saturn, the planet of discipline. This means that you can control your emotions to get what you want. If you have your eye on someone special, you can make it work no matter what. Work hard for it – impress them with your decorating skills, lute playing, or gift for accountancy, and disciplined Saturn will bring them to you.
Sagittarius – November 22 to December 21
One of your favourite signs, fun-loving Gemini, influences your planets this month. Jupiter, the planet of growth, is your heavenly ruler, Sagittarius. This planet moves through the sign of Gemini all month this April. Both you and Gemini are party animals, sociable and a little chaotic, which means you’ll find yourself living your best life and invited to high-profile events. Gatherings, special occasions and fabulous venues will fill every moment on your calendar, so try and remember to rest here and there.
Capricorn – December 22 to January 19
The moon in Capricorn on April 20 will create a favourable angle to Uranus, the planet of rebellion. Normally, you like to stay in your lane and become the best of the best in your chosen path, but this month, you’ll be tempted to rebel and perhaps do exactly the opposite of what’s expected of you. The moon is in Capricorn from April 19 to 21, so emotions will be calling the shots, and your feelings rather than your thoughts will influence your sensible and grounded nature.
Aquarius: January 20 to February 18
From April 21 to 23, the moon is in Aquarius. For you, this means that the nighttime brings results – you may dream of your next job when you sleep or even your next lover, and any projects you submit under the light of the moon will receive praise. As Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in Aquarius all month, this means that on your moon days, the moon and Pluto meet up in your sign. The fusion of lunar instincts and subconscious and Pluto’s commitment to endings and new beginnings means you will sense big life events and huge family bust-ups well before they happen.
Pisces – February 19 to March 20
The month starts very upside-down for you, Pisces. The planet Mercury is retrograde in your sign, so you can feel its uneasy influence over your communication skills. As you try to make yourself heard, Mercury interferes. Venus, the planet of love, is retrograde in Pisces, too, which means that love situations are a struggle, and your relationship feels challenging for no particular reason. Those retrogrades will be over on April 7 and 13, respectively, so do your best to ignore the hardships, as they won’t last forever.”