Vet shares ‘lovely’ dog breed he would never own for health reasons


Not all dog breeds are suitable for everyone.

If you’re thinking of getting a dog, you should always do extensive research into the breed you want to get. This can help you get a pet that suits your needs and ensure you and your environment meet the dog’s needs.

This can include ensuring you don’t get a dog that needs a large garden when you live in a flat, not getting a dog with high grooming requirements if you don’t know how to groom or have the time to take it to a professional, and not opting for a pet that requires an experienced handler if you’re a first-time owner.

One vet has said that whenever he’s considering getting a pet, he also looks into the common health conditions associated with the animal. Some dog breeds are more prone to complications with their joints or breathing than others, and you can end up with costly vet bills if you’re not prepared.

Amir Anwary shared a video on TikTok in which he ran through five dogs he would never own as a vet, as they have a history of health issues that he wouldn’t want his pet to have.

Bull terrier

Amir began by stating he would never own a bull terrier, specifically a white one. He described them as a “lovely, goofy breed” of dog but said they’re not for him because they often have skin problems.

He said: “Their skin is always reacting to something. And have you seen their paws? They are always inflamed and irritated, and their nails grow really long, making it really difficult to clip them. It’s like it’s a chronic issue with these dogs and I just feel so bad for them. So I could never own a white bull terrier.”

According to PetMD, bull terriers can also suffer from patellar luxation, which is a condition in which the kneecap (or patella) shifts out of place. They’re also more prone to kidney failure, heart defects, and even partial or total deafness.

English bulldog

The vet would also never get an English bulldog. While he loves their temperament, he would never own one because they are a brachycephalic (short-nosed) breed. This makes them prone to breathing issues and overheating, and they can even get infections in the skin folds on their faces.

Amir said: “They’re a very high-maintenance breed. I love them, but not for me.”

Bernese mountain dog

Despite describing this breed as having a “lovely temperament”, health issues also put Amir off of owning one of these majestic dogs. He said they are prone to hip and elbow problems, and they have a very short lifespan.

Dogs typically live for 10-13 years, but the exact ranges can vary depending on breed. Large dog breeds usually have shorter lifespans, and the Bernese mountain dog is no different, with an average of seven to 10 years.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Amir said he “really loves this breed” but would never own one himself as they are prone to a genetic heart condition called mitral valve heart disease. According to PetMD this is the leading cause of death in the breed, and symptoms to look out for including coughing, exercise intolerance, difficulty breathing, and fainting episodes.

The vet explained: “This breed is going to be on chronic heart medication which can get really expensive, and they’re going to be going for regular vet visits. I think it might actually be worth it because of how amazing this breed is, but it’s not for me.”

Siberian husky

Finally, the vet said he would never own a Siberian husky. He described them as “loud” dogs who have “way too much energy” and shed “way too much” hair. He noted they’re likely to “destroy your whole garden” just because they’re bored, and are often “stubborn” – so he would never choose to own one.

Anyone looking to take on the challenge of a Siberian husky should know they need space to roam and lots of mental stimulation. They become bored with sedentary lifestyles and aren’t great pets for those living with neighbours close by as they do like to make a lot of noise.

It’s vital to do your research before committing to any dog breed. Any pet you get will need training, and not all breeds are suitable for all environments. Where possible, you may also want to consider adopting a dog rather than shopping.

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