Ten things that trigger headaches – besides not drinking or enough


Most people will have experienced headache discomfort at least once in their lives. Headaches are annoying, but most of the time, they’re harmless.

It’s not just feeling ill or generally run down that can trigger a pounding head. The NHS has listed a few of the most common causes that might be the reason behind your discomfort.

The health service claims that most headaches go away on their own and are not a sign of something more serious. But, if you suffer from particularly painful or repeated headaches, then do not hesitate to speak with your GP.

Anyone with persistent problems is advised to keep a headache diary. This might help you work out what triggers them and can help you learn to avoid or treat the problem.

Bright lights could also be a major trigger, especially if it’s something flickering. This is because bright and flickering lights boost the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, which then activate the migraine centre.

Your headaches might even be down to the weather, with many reporting that grey skies, high humidity, rising temperatures and storms can all bring on the dreaded feeling. There’s not much you can do to change the weather, but you can prepare.

Looking at a Met Office forecast, you can predict when you’re likely to have a headache. Then, make sure you have some painkillers ready for when you might need them.

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