Did you know your old coin could be worth a staggering value?
Whether it’s a 20p or 50p piece, some gems can sell for hundreds, if not thousands, more than face value. Now it’s time to turn our attention to coins from centuries ago…
TikTok sensation @CoinCollectingWizard, with a following of 206,000, posted a video that begins with the cleaning of a pre-decimal penny from 1899 – a risky move that could potentially damage the coin.
He explained: “Here we have the 1894 pre-decimal penny and this was actually the last pre-decimal penny to feature a young head of Queen Victoria or otherwise known as Bun Head.
“As you can see, the obverse features the bust of Victoria facing left hair in a bun.”
He went on to discuss Queen Victoria’s record as the longest-reigning British monarch for 64 years until Elizabeth II surpassed her in 2015.
He continued: “The reverse shows the helmed Britannia seated facing right, holding a trident, hand resting on a shield with the date below. The 1894 penny in extra fine condition easily sells for over £160.”
Shifting focus to another rare find, he described: “This is the 1882 H penny from the United Kingdom.
“Unlike other varieties, the H mint mark on this penny is found underneath the date rather than to the left. The H is very small so make sure you use a microscope as it can get very worn too. On the obverse is the young head of Queen Victoria.”
The flip side of the coin, meanwhile, features Britannia seated beside a shield, grasping a powerful trident. Notably, the 1882 edition bearing an ‘H’ mint mark is highly valuable, having sold for £280 in the past.