‘My neighbour sends me threats over parking spot – there’s one issue’


Parking rows are one of the most common causes of disagreements between neighbours.

If you’ve got the luxury of having a driveway or dedicated parking for your car, then you may not know the frustrations of having to fight with your neighbours over public parking – unless, of course, they block you from accessing your drive.

But those who have to rely on roadside parking will be acutely aware of how annoying it can be to come home from work and find that there’s no space to park outside their own homes.

Even though no one owns roadside parking, it can still be a source of contention between neighbours. You might find that neighbours resort to putting cones out in the middle of the road to attempt to save themselves a spot, or they may even resort to leaving angry notes on cars demanding that they move.

The latter is what one man on Reddit is experiencing with his neighbour, but there’s just one problem – she’s leaving angry notes over a private parking space that he pays for.

The man shared a picture of a note he had received, which read: “Hey! This is a paid parking spot. Please don’t park here again or I will have to call a towing company. Thank you! Have a great day.”

And in his post, he explained that the parking space is, in fact, paid for – by him.

He wrote: “I keep getting these letters on my car. They are correct. It is a paid parking spot. However, I PAY FOR IT. This is the third (and most threatening) note I have received in the last seven days.

“I have lived here for almost two years and had the same paid parking spot since I moved in. About a week or so ago someone started leaving these on my car. It’s definitely the right spot, and I definitely pay for it.”

People in the comments urged the man to speak to his neighbour about the parking space, as there’s a chance the row over the parking space could just be a misunderstanding.

One person explained they once found themselves in a situation where their property manager had accidentally double-booked the space, so both they and their neighbour paid to park in the same spot. Another said they once had a similar row until it turned out their neighbour had got their own parking space wrong.

Someone wrote: “I had this happen to me a few times before I finally caught the person doing it. We found out our property manager double-sold the spot by accident; they put the wrong stall number on my neighbour’s lease. Thankfully (again) there was an available stall a few spots from mine so they changed the number on my neighbor’s lease and they got that one.”

Another added: “This happened to me before. My parking spot was numbered 21, the person kept threatening me with notes until one day she blew up on me when we came across each other in person. She had just moved in a few weeks ago when I had been there for 3 years. She insisted I was wrong and that it was her spot.

“She finally showed me her parking permit. The number on it was 12. Not 21. She never spoke to me again.”

A third posted: “Place a note on your car that you pay for the spot and ask them to leave their phone number and name for you. Then you can call them and talk about it. Someone might just have mixed up the numbers or the landlord gave them the wrong number for their spot.”

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