Keep clothes smelling fresh in wardrobe with easy method


Where you store your clothes matters, as you want them to smell as fresh as possible.

Of course, a failsafe way to do this is by storing dehumidifier bags within your wardrobes and drawers to ensure that the moisture level is being controlled and mould will not be able to take hold. Where you live will determine how often you have to replace them.

The dehumidifier bags can help prevent the musty smell from happening, but for those who want to go one step further and keep their clothes smelling gorgeous, one TikToker has a trick.

Content creator @mama_mila_, shared some “inexpensive” hacks for how to keep your home smelling good all the time, and one of them was so simple.

She suggested that if you want to keep your clothes smelling good, there’s something you can hang up in your wardrobe.

“To keep clothes smelling fresh, make Epsom salt and essential oil scent bags and hang them in your wardrobe”, she said, as she hung up a blazer up with a scent bag on the hanger.

She didn’t specify which essential oils you should use, so you can choose one that suits your tastes. You can even buy fragrance oils that have scents similar to popular perfumes.

You can also purchase essential oil sachets that can be placed in the wardrobe, and Primark even sells scent sachets to be placed near clothes to make the area smell gorgeous if you’re on a budget.

It’s the best way to make you smile when you pop on an item of clothing that’s been hung up, rather than popping something on that smells musty.

This wasn’t the only hack Mila suggested either, as she had other ways to make your bedroom, and the rest of your home, smell divine.

One of the other ways to get a clean smelling bedroom is to “place essential oils on cotton balls and place them inside your vacuum cleaner”, so when you’re hoovering up, the smell is dispersed everywhere.

Another way to keep things clean is to add “one cup of baking soda” when you’re cleaning your bedding, as it will “deodorise and brighten linen”.

To keep it “smelling fresh” between washes, she also recommended using a “linen spray”. 

In the comments, someone praised: “Baking soda is truly the best for soooo many things!!!!”

Another wrote: “Can’t wait to try these tips”.

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