If you’re a dog owner, you’ll no doubt know the joy in your pet’s face when they realise you’re taking them out for a walk, or to the park to play.
Play is crucial for dogs. It’s a natural instinct for them which helps them build social bonds, exercise their bodies and stimulate their minds. But when it comes to which toys they should play with, a dog rehab specialist has said there’s one owners should avoid, as it can be dangerous.
Taking to TikTok, Felicity, founder of The Canine Rehab Co, showed a dog toy ball launcher, and said: “These should be illegal, and here’s why. I’ve seen so many dogs with cruciate injuries because of these ball chuckers.” Ball-launchers allow dog owners to throw balls up to three times further than they could be hand.
Explaining why, Felicity, who is a Chartered Physiotherapist and Veterinary Physiotherapist, said when the ball is launched it usually bounces to the side when it lands. “Do you know what that does to your dog’s legs and your dog’s cruciate ligaments?”
Demonstrating on a canine skeleton, the vet physiotherapist showed how when the dog’s paw stays in place, but the body turns, the “knee twists and snap goes the ligament”. “That’s why these should be banned,” she added.
Felicity captioned the video: “Your dogs running 1million miles an hour after the ball from one of these chuckers, the ball bounces then pings off to the side. What does your dog do?? Plants his hind paws and twists so quickly that his cruciate is snapped or injured! They should be illegal.”
Hannah Capon, who founded the Canine Arthritis Management website, previously told The Express that using a ball thrower can put unnecessary strain on your pet’s joints, muscles and cartilage. This can cause long-term health problems like arthritis.
She said: “We need to realise we’re asking dogs to run like athletes. They’re going from standing still to a gallop, then throwing themselves in the air, braking and skidding. This might be up and down a hill or on a beach, and it’s causing damage to their joints and trauma to muscles and cartilage. But because the dog is so excited, they carry on through the pain.
“For the many dogs who might have injuries or mobility problems, we’re making these even worse, meaning pets need to be on medication. This can take years off their life expectancy.”
If you’re worried your dog might be injured or is in pain, please speak to your vet.