Five quiet dog breeds perfect for people worried about barking


Our  dogs are our beloved companions, offering endless love, loyalty and affection to our households.

They’re considered family members in their own right, with wagging tails and walks in the park being just a small part of dog parenthood.

While we adore them, some breeds are more expressive than others in showing their affection for their human pals.

For some owners, a dog that barks excessively can lead to issues with neighbours or even create a tense environment within the home.

However, love can still be found on low volume as some breeds are well known for being a little less vocal.

With a calmer disposition and more reserved nature, not all canine friends will bark at the slightest disturbance.

This preference for quieter breeds mirrors the growing demand for low-maintenance and adaptable pets that can adjust to apartment living, long working hours and limited outdoor space. Some dogs embody all the endearing qualities of a pet without being overly noisy.

Of course, even quiet dogs will bark or make sounds occasionally. Our furry pals use barking to express their feelings and needs, or to alert us to something that concerns them.

Five quieter dog breeds that will bark less include:


Known for their elegant build and gentle temperament, whippets are recognised as a quiet dog breed.

These sighthounds are easygoing and tend to only bark in moments of genuine excitement or urgent need.

Whippets are known for their love of lounging as much as they enjoy sprinting, making them adaptable to various living situations and an excellent choice for quieter households. In fact, they can be so calm and reserved that loud environments or boisterous children could make them quite scared.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

With their affectionate and friendly nature, cavaliers rarely feel the need to bark excessively.

They are social dogs who thrive on human interaction, often using their expressive eyes rather than their voices to communicate their desires.

According to The Kennel Club, this breed is “friendly, non-aggressive with no tendency to nervousness” making them perfect for families and first-time dog owners.

French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs are small but mighty in personality without being overly vocal. The Kennel Club describes these little pooches as “playful, alert, adaptable, and completely irresistible”.

Their endearing snorts and snuffles often replace barking and their friendly and devoted personalities make them popular with all dog owners.


Often referred to as the “barkless dog,” the Basenji is the quietest breed in the world. They have a unique trait that sets them apart from other dogs – they don’t bark.

However, they’re far from quiet, often making a yodelling sound when excited, and are known for being inquisitive, confident, and deeply attached to their family.

A regal looking dog, they are intelligent, independent and affectionate, but they can be aloof with strangers.


Despite their reputation as racing dogs, Greyhounds are surprisingly docile and quiet.

They’re mostly known as coach potatoes who love the occasional explosive bout of the zoomies. The Kennel Club describes the pups as “intelligent, gentle, affectionate and even-tempered”.

Greyhounds adapt well to indoor living and are an excellent choice for those looking for a larger, calmer four-legged friend.

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