Dr Amir Khan says ‘not many know about type 3 diabetes’


Dr Amir Khan, a familiar face on ITV programmes such as This Morning and Lorraine, has raised awareness about a lesser-known form of diabetes, known as ‘type 3c’. Though many people are aware of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes, the existence of type 3c diabetes isn’t as commonly recognised.

In a recent Instagram clip, Dr Amir revealed: “I want to talk to you about a condition you may not have heard of, type 3C diabetes”. He discussed the distinctions within diabetes, stating: “Diabetes is a condition that happens when your blood sugars get too high.

“It develops when your pancreas doesn’t make any or enough insulin or your body isn’t responding to the effects of that insulin properly. Now, our pancreas has two main functions. It produces digestive enzymes to help break down our food and hormones that help manage our blood sugars.

“Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where, for reasons we don’t quite understand, the immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, meaning it no longer makes enough or any insulin and your blood sugars go up.”

The beta-islet cells in the endocrine part of the pancreas are responsible for insulin production and release. According to the health expert, individuals with type 1 diabetes “almost always” require insulin to control their blood sugar levels, reports Surrey Live.

Type 2 diabetes, often the result of the body not producing sufficient insulin or failing to respond to insulin properly – known as insulin resistance – is responsible for spiking blood sugar levels. This variant is the most prevalent type of diabetes, with estimates suggesting that in the UK, 5.6 million people suffer from the condition, approximately 90% of whom have type 2 diabetes.

Amongst this number are also about 1.2 million individuals who remain undiagnosed. Those living with type 2 diabetes might control their illness through lifestyle and diet alterations, medication, or insulin therapy.

Another form, gestational diabetes (GDM), generally manifests during pregnancy due to the inability of the body to generate the necessary amount of insulin, subsequently leading to elevated blood sugar levels.

Conversely, type 3C diabetes emerges when the pancreas incurs damage from non-autoimmune influences. Dr Amir Khan said: “This can be things like pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, pancreatic cancer, or if you’ve had surgery to remove all or part of your pancreas. Now, often, type 3C diabetes affects both the hormones the pancreas makes to manage your blood sugars and the enzymes the pancreas makes to help with digestion.”

Type 3C diabetes, also known as pancreatogenic diabetes, requires a combination of lifestyle adjustments and medication to manage blood sugar levels, which may include insulin or tablets. This advice is particularly pertinent for those with conditions affecting the pancreas, such as chronic pancreatitis.

Dr Amir added: “Type 3C diabetes is managed through lifestyle measures to control blood sugars, but also medication and that can include insulin or tablets. If you have a condition that affects your pancreas, such as chronic pancreatitis. Talk to your healthcare provider about your risk of developing type 3c diabetes because they’re likely to order regular tests to monitor you for diabetes.”

What is type 3c diabetes?

It’s a form of diabetes mellitus that stems from pancreatic issues, distinct from the similarly named type 3 diabetes. T3cDM occurs when damage is done to the exocrine glands of the pancreas, which can be due to various factors, including chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, cancer of the exocrine pancreas, or previous pancreatic surgeries.

Diabetes UK explains the condition: “Type 3c can happen when the pancreas is damaged and it stops producing enough insulin for the body. And we all need insulin to live. It allows the glucose (or sugar) in our blood to enter our cells and fuel our bodies.”

They further clarify that type 3c diabetes can also impair the production of enzymes necessary for food digestion, and it only arises due to an illness or condition that affects the pancreas.

The symptoms of type 3c diabetes can encompass issues related to diabetes itself, digestion, and the pancreas. Type 3c diabetes can cause symptoms related to diabetes, digestion, and the pancreas. Common diabetes symptoms include:

  • increased thirst
  • frequent urination
  • fatigue
  • blurred vision
  • unexplained weight loss
  • headaches
  • irritability

Digestive symptoms:

  • stomach pain
  • frequently passing wind
  • bloating
  • loose bowel motions or diarrhoea
  • low blood sugars
  • fatty or oily stools

Pancreas-related symptoms:

  • numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • slow-healing sores or cuts
  • frequent skin and/or vaginal yeast infections

Organisations such as Pancreatic Cancer UK, Haemochromatosis UK and Cystic Fibrosis Trust can offer you support for some of the conditions related to type 3c.

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