Everyone dreams of hitting the jackpot and winning the lottery, but this is something the majority of us are rather unlikely to ever experience this.
However, according to one psychic, you could increase your chances of winning big based on the day and time you opt to purchase a ticket.
Celebrity psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigman has shared some insights into the luckiest and unluckiest days to buy a lottery ticket in 2025.
Choosing to buy a ticket on one day can increase your luck, thanks to its connection to Jupiter, the planet of luck, while there are also two quite unlucky days when you should be sure not to purchase a ticket.
Alongside this, Inbaal has also explained that Sagittarius are the luckiest star sign, so 2025 could potentially see you win big if this is your sign.
Speaking on behalf of casino.ca, Inbaal has revealed the luckiest day for purchasing a lottery ticket. She said: “The luckiest day for playing the lottery is Thursday.
“Thursday is the day of the planet Jupiter, which is the planet of luck. It is seen as a jolly planet of growth, expansion, and wealth.”
The planet Jupiter aligned with the Roman God of the same name and the Norse God Thor.
She added: “Thursday carries the energy of Thor and Jupiter in its name and in its vibration. It’s a great day for investing, gambling, and asking for a pay rise.”
And if you miss out on the chance to grab a ticket on Thursday, Inbaal recommends purchasing a ticket on Sunday, as it is ruled by the Sun, and therefore associated with luck, success, positivity and abundance.
While Thursday and Sunday are associated with luck, Inbaal suggests never buying a lottery ticket on Friday or Saturday.
Friday is ruled by Venus and is aligned with stability, making it a lucky day for romance, emotions and the home.
However, it is not a lucky day for unexpected riches and is, therefore, not a good day to play the lottery. Similarly, Saturday is known as Karma Day because Saturn is the planet of Karma.
The expert said: “Karma and the lottery should never be mixed, as it means you’ll win only if you deserve to win, but not if you’ve done wrong. Saturn is also a slow planet, not associated with quick gains, and is therefore wholly unsuitable for playing the lottery.”
Opt to buy a lottery ticket early in the morning, says Inbaal. She added: “Sunrise is the luckiest time of day. It is the time of beginnings, when the day starts to wake up. The Sun is a lucky element in the sky, and is the giver of life.”