It might be time to change careers (Image: Getty)
From feelings of dread to seeing no progression ahead, there are a number of red flags that signal it’s probably time to change jobs.
And the good news is it’s not uncommon for people in their 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond to train for a new vocation entirely, according to Ricky Sharma of Engineering Real Results.
Mr Sharma said: “If you’re feeling like it’s time for a fresh start, you’re not alone.
“January is a common time for people to assess their lives and take stock of what’s important.
“Work takes up such a large portion of our lives that it’s vital we’re in a job where we feel satisfied and appreciated. If you’ve got constant niggling doubts then it might be time for a new role entirely.”
If you’re constantly dreading the working day ahead then it’s a good signyou’re ready to move on (Image: Getty)
You regularly feel a sense of dread
Have the ‘Sunday scaries’ started to creep into other days of the week? If you’re constantly dreading the working day ahead then it’s a good indication you’re ready to move on.
Mr Sharma said: “They say if you find a job you love then you never work a day in your life. While the reality of work doesn’t match this saying for many people, there’s something to be said for finding a job you enjoy most of the time.
“Lingering feelings of dread, anxiety and general unhappiness should be listened to, especially if they are impacting the rest of your life.”
There’s no progression in sight
Most roles will have a progression plan but if yours doesn’t, it’s time to take action.
Mr Sharma said: “Having a plan for the future is important for both you and your employer. Without one it’s easy to fall into a slump where you feel undervalued.
“Take stock of where you are now and how you see yourself developing over the coming year. If there’s no signs of advancement then consider if the role is right for you.”
If your job is affecting your mental or physical health then it’s time to take action (Image: Getty)
Your health is being impacted
Everyone will experience some feelings of stress and strain at some point in their working lives, but it shouldn’t last, Mr Sharma warns.
He said: “If your job is affecting your mental or physical health then it’s time to take action. Start by talking with your manager or HR department about what’s going on to see if any steps can be taken.
“If the issues aren’t resolved how you would like then consider if it’s the right role and company for you.”
You want to try something new
Mr Sharma said: “Starting again at work can be daunting but if you want to change careers then for many people it’s entirely possible.
“Make a plan so you’re not just handing your notice in and stepping out into the unknown. Consider what your next steps will be and how the change will impact your finances.
“It’s a good idea to choose a career that’s future proof and in-demand, such as engineering. Skilled roles are in high-demand and with the right training and support it’s possible to thrive in a new profession.”
ERR specialises in providing skills and training in trades including plumbing, gas, electrics, welding and renewable industries.
It has training centres up and down the country including Yorkshire, Southampton, Wolverhampton, Hertfordshire and Essex.
For more information, visit https://www.errltd.co.uk/.