Adding hair accessory to washing machine can remove pet hair from clothes


Pet owners will known that one of the most frustrating things that comes with our furry friends is the amount of fur they shed, as it just seems to appear everywhere around our homes – including our clothes.

While it can be annoying to constantly having to remove any new fur from our clothes, there’s an easy way to remove it while your washing your clothes. Elene is the owner of Kiki, a border collie who loves showing off her agility skills and tricks, but also cuddling and spending time with her owners around their home in Poland.

Due to Kiki’s breed, she has a tendency to shed a lot of fur, especially as the weather is about to warm up soon. However, this isn’t an issue for Elene, who has shared her ultimate hack to remove fur from her clothes.

“If no one on the internet has taught you how to efficiently remove pet hair during laundry, today I will,” she said in a TikTok video, before showing how she’d added a hair roller into her washing machine during the washing cycle.

The hair roller cam out covered in hairs and fur from the clothes, which came out without the added layer of fur on them. However she clairified in the caption of the video: “Don’t try on silk, athletic clothes and other super delicate materials.”

This is due to the fact that the fabrics on these clothes and fabrics tend to be too delicate and might get ruined by the hair roller.

People quickly took to the comments to ask their questions about the method, with one person asking: “Are we doing this in the washing or drying stage?” to which other people clarified to do it during the washing stage.

“Just don’t use thins on knits otherwise its gonna ruin the fabric,” a second user warned, while a third added: “But be careful! Don’t use it when you wash wool or similar fabrics.”

However, others praised Elene for the hack, as one person said: “Girl I AM THE PET with all my hair falling off thanks for this hack!”

“I have those somewhere deep in my closet. I knew they will come in handy one day,” said another viewer.

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